This feature will help the customer can take appropriate action on distinct sub categories of Legitimate Bots. Different categories that will be available are as given below:
- Monitoring Bots – Bots which are used to monitor the system health of the customer's websites. (e.g. Pingdom)
- Back link checker bots – These categories of bots check the back links of the URLs. (e.g. UASlinkChecker)
- Social Network Bots - Bots which are run by social network sites. (e.g facebookbot)
- Partner bots - Partner bots which are useful to the website. (e.g. Paypal IPN)
- Aggregator bots - Bots which collate information from other websites. (e.g. WikioFeedBot)
Note: Earlier, this category as a whole was called Aggregator bot, and now it will be renamed as Legitimate Bots with different sub categories.